What if I told you that the time is NOW for you to pursue your purpose?
I’ve heard the saying, better late than never. It is never too late for you to start all over again.
One of the biggest mistakes I made when I was working in corporate America, was placing all my eggs in one basket, instead of creating multiple streams of income while working a full-time job.
No one ever taught me how to build generational wealth. So, at the time, I never even considered it. I always share with my clients, do not ever assume because you have been employed with a company for “x” number of years, that you are irreplaceable. Because at the end of the day, you are!
Ask yourself now. Don’t wait until LIFE Happens.
Are you pursuing your purpose?
And if so, are YOU in synch or aligned with your purpose?
Have you explored having multiple streams of income if you are still employed in corporate America? Or are you like I once was ——- having to learn about multiple streams of income after the separation?
If your response was no then yes. I know all too well what you are feeling. I’ve been there, too!
No one ever discussed with me the emotional and mental effects of a job loss.
After experiencing the loss of my job, it was difficult for me to find employment like my past corporate America job, because I did not have a college degree at the time. And to be perfectly transparent and honest with you, I did not have the desire to return to corporate America anyways. I was not emotionally healed, from the separation.
Are you feeling that way?
The crazy part about all of it was that I knew I needed money, but I had lost the desire to return to the same industry. And I could not shake it off. It was really, really difficult for me emotionally.
I eventually learned that the emotions that I was experiencing were normal, although they felt abnormal. I was so busy being ashamed of not letting my family and others know that I had lost my job, that I did not know that I was emotionally and mentally grieving behind the separation of my job until I saw a counselor. This is when I was introduced for the very first time to the 7-stages that your body will emotionally and physically go through after the loss of a job. Those 7 stages include:
- Shock and Denial
- Guilt and Pain
- Anger and Bargaining
- Depression
- The upward turn
- Reconstructing and working through acceptance and hope.
I highly recommend anyone who has lost a job to see a licensed clinical therapist, so that the therapist can provide you with the tools and resources you need to go through this process. It makes your emotional and mental healing journey so much easier.
And if you are like me, the loss pushed me closer to God and reading the Bible. You would be surprised – at how uplifting the Bible was is during the most difficult moments of your life.
Click here and listen to the podcast titled, “Emotional Effects one experiences after the loss of a Job with Guest Speaker Yah Hughes.
I highly recommend that you click here and purchase The Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren. This book really helped me during the most difficult time of my life.
April 13th, 2023 at 4:47 AM
Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.