Most people don’t plan to fail.


Count the cost!

What if you had to choose between an offer to relocate with an increase in your salary which includes a bonus to an unfamiliar place and told you would be the next eligible candidate for a promotion, instead of staying put where you’ve been growing and receiving the next promotion that you were on schedule to receive anyways?  

Which one would you choose? 

In my book, The Setback Fueled My Faith, I share a chapter titled, The Price($) was Right.   

Here is an excerpt

“The price($) was right to relocate to Maryland. The salary, bonus, and relocation package were simply irresistible. I asked several questions. I was able to negotiate some additional changes upfront. My management team in Delaware was very accommodating. … The offer seemed perfect.” 


Did you hear me? 



Because I did not weigh all of my options and instead I chose to accept the offer, influenced by others’ opinions instead of the facts.  I was relying on others to help me make a life-changing decision that looked good, but I made them for all of the wrong reasons. For this reason, I learned the hard way. 

Quick moves without carefully weighing all options are not healthy moves. 

Making that move was the worst decision I could have ever made. It literally changed the trajectory of my life. And cost me everything!

Since I learned this lesson very early on in my career in corporate America. When I started to explore entrepreneurship, I knew having a BUSINESS PLAN was the very first thing I needed. That prior lesson taught me to be methodical in my approach as an entrepreneur. 

I even learned later on that the bible even tells us to count the cost.

Ignorance is the #1 killer in starting a business. What you don’t know can hurt you! 

I echo John J. Beckley’s quote, “Most people don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan.” 

  1. Mark

    September 13th, 2022 at 9:55 AM

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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